Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Downeast outfitters

This is not an advertisement I just wanted to share with you a cool website that has some cool stuff. I just bought these little boxwood balls and I am excited!

I think they cost a total of $12 before shipping.Not bad! They have some other cute things for a pretty good price as well. They also have clothing,I told my friend about this website because she wanted to know where I got my jeans,well here it is. But I always buy the ones on clearance if I can.
                                ( This is not my bum, you wouldn't want to see a close up of that :)
So here is the link and here is their blog which is really nice too!
I love finding cool places online. Let me know if you have any favorite stores.


  1. The little green balls are sweet. And that's a great price, I'd say. It's always nice to get recommendations for good websites and catalogs. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Cottage and Creek.
